I'm having an intermittent issue where all of the buttons I press don't correspond whats actually happening on the console. For example, I press 6 and it reads as 4, I press 4 and it reads as List or something like that. It's like someone shifted all of the button commands over 2 spaces. If I restart the console, most of the time, it will go back to functioning normally for a while but will eventually go back to being messed up. Every time this issue occurs the buttons always correspond to the same wrong commands, so at least it's consistent. Silver linings right? I have 2 hog 3 wings that I'm able to plug in and all of those buttons read correctly, it's just the console controls that are misbehaving. The faders, however, work just fine on the console and correspond to the proper list and what not. Has anyone else experienced this or can anyone shed any... light... on the subject?