I'm just curious has anyone else seen any odd behaviour with fan/grouping/buddying and compound fixtures?
I have a small system patched and am seeing some odd fan behaviour in the motion parts of some fixtures.
This is only happening with compound fixtures.
This is with a Hog 4 PC and WYG system but I can see the values are incorrect on the console output.
If I have a group of fixtures and try to fan them it's like the console isn't seeing certain fixtures unless I add grouping?
Adding grouping and the fixtures fan but with no grouping they won't?
Patched currently as
Robe 600 LED wash Motion M1 201
Robe 600 LED wash Cell M1 201.1
Robe 600 LED wash Cell M1 201.2
Robe 600 LED wash Cell M1 201.3
Robe 600 LED wash Beam M1 201.4
Grouping and budding is set to clear within prefs.
I may be missing something obvious here within compound fixtures.
Thank you