Hey guys
I am trying to create a series of color palettes to have handy on my usb stick I can apply to any size rig.
I am aware that if I record the palette as global it will ignore fixture type and apply it to any fixture
(Record fix 1 as red "global0", *fix1-10 color palette red* will now turn red)
However I would like to make repeating patterns of colors that repeat regardless of how many channels I input. Currently if I save fix 1 red, fix 2 green, fix 3 blue into a global palette only fix1-3 will have color when I try to apply it to a larger channel range.
I can do the following to do get the desired output *CP1 copy to Fixture 1-10* This will copy the 3 fixture pattern across the 10 ch however this does not recall the palette. I can also use this to update the palette but this becomes a huge time suck with many palettes and would have to be redone for every rig I encounter.
Is it possible to record something like this into a CP that will reproduce color patterns for any channel range?