Library Request problems...


I submitted a request for a fixture over a month ago via the online page. No response.
Two weeks ago…I sent an email…with the same request… No response…
I now just sent ANOTHER request….

Is there any way to streamline this process? Receive a response with an anticipated return date? Better fixture builder to build it myself? I can get ACT to turn around multiple library requests in the same day. If I know I'm going to work with something that is not in the library, I do my best to give ample time to get something created…but a month is getting bad and still no word if/when I'll get it.

  • Randell,
    I feel the pain. I just had 20 on my gig and had to patch 960 desk channels and then assign user numbers. Dotted Notation help with programming but patching would have been easier to just add the unit and not have to think about how to patch them. Yes the code is being written (I am the one writing it) and this unit WILL be included! Please send me an email with the common fixtures you have this problem with and I will do my best to make sure they are included in the first release with this new scheduling.

    RJG, sorry you had problems with the library that was sent to you.
    Did you inform Steve of the issues you found with the library so he can correct them?
    Marc is correct many fixtures will have one or more DMX protocols released to the world wide web, some manufactures will have 2 or 3 dmx protocols on there website and depending on the fixtures firmware that is in the unit will determine the dmx protocol used.
  • Randell,
    I feel the pain. I just had 20 on my gig and had to patch 960 desk channels and then assign user numbers. Dotted Notation help with programming but patching would have been easier to just add the unit and not have to think about how to patch them. Yes the code is being written (I am the one writing it) and this unit WILL be included! Please send me an email with the common fixtures you have this problem with and I will do my best to make sure they are included in the first release with this new scheduling.

    RJG, sorry you had problems with the library that was sent to you.
    Did you inform Steve of the issues you found with the library so he can correct them?
    Marc is correct many fixtures will have one or more DMX protocols released to the world wide web, some manufactures will have 2 or 3 dmx protocols on there website and depending on the fixtures firmware that is in the unit will determine the dmx protocol used.
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