The question was asked to me, it's not my requirement. They were wanting the ability to receive notes from two different departments in TV, say sound and game, where they could use different channels to separate them to simplify setup on the console
Ah ok... But is it really simplifying?! Why not have the two departments send on the same channel. Merge those 2 signals and have one tab where you need adjust incoming midi-events.
I like to see that we can receive midi notes on different midi channels as well. I understand Colin with having two different departments sending midi notes on different midi channels.
I agree that it gives more options... and also more triggers ;) Was just wondering if it really get more simple, as I would need to configure two tabs.
For the people who want one tab only they can use one tab only. For the people who want to separate them, well currently they can't. The question was though, is there a particular reason why this needs to be the case?
The same question !!! I have a controller Akai apc 20! His pads 8 sections, each section is 53 to 59 Note! But channels on different sections! to assign it to the macro you want to use koment 8 MIDI channels as the notes to the sections vsez same! why the program can not be simultaneously assign different channels to different notes ?????