Touch OSC Android

Does anyone have any documentation or know what the minimum requirements are for an android tablet to run touch OSC?
Is screen resolution an issue or should I look for any hardware requirements when purchasing an android tablet?

Regards C
  • I'm not sure there are 'minimum specs' for android devices in the same way that there would be for a PC or such...if it's Android, it will run it. The only consideration would be screen size - you'd need something ipad size to run OSC Hog remote using the ipad template (unsurprisingly!) but there is a template for iphone that will fit nicely on a smaller tablet to0. I use a Samsung 7in tablet and the iphone template and all is good. (Since the template is only the graphic design of the software you can run iphone template on android)
  • I'm not sure there are 'minimum specs' for android devices in the same way that there would be for a PC or such...if it's Android, it will run it. The only consideration would be screen size - you'd need something ipad size to run OSC Hog remote using the ipad template (unsurprisingly!) but there is a template for iphone that will fit nicely on a smaller tablet to0. I use a Samsung 7in tablet and the iphone template and all is good. (Since the template is only the graphic design of the software you can run iphone template on android)
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