I have sent 3 requests to get a profile built for me, no response, the gig has come and gone.. how can i get a profile built, i can do basic stuff in the builder on desk ,but the more complicated stuff i just can't do it yet, i would be happy to pay someone to build me a fixture profile when i need one.. there is no support from high end at all.. its easier to build a fixture in lightjockey or a hog 2 than it is now..... very disapointing
An updated version will come. There is also a good video tutorial from Colin Wood how to use the fixture builder. As long as you dont need virtual intensity or very special mode/control stuff most fixtures can be build with the informations Colin provides. Lightjockey and Hog 2 dont deal with real world parameters, that´s what makes it easier there... Also GMA2 or lot other consoles dont use that very handy tool/way of programming. So there are always two sides ;)
The builder needs a complete make over with the option to name your parameters , there should be a "user name" place in each parameter section , also the facility to set default values for each parameter easily
Exactly that will cause the biggest problems (custom parameters)... Imagine everybody is using its own custom names/parameters. You will loose all the advantages we have now with real world parameters. Change type wont work any more.
I agree with the default values. But user names/parameters is the hardest thing to implement.
I, for one, am ok with change type not working if it allows me to build a new fixture that someone throws at me at the last minute, "To test," instead of having to run it as desk channels and a cheat sheet.