Writing cuelists for songs

Trying to improve my programming to be quicker.
How you handle presets in songs?

1. create your look on stage
-save as preset (allow refs enabled)with all parameters- naming "verse"
-create cue 1 (verse)

2. create preset (IPCBET) for "break"- allow refs
-write cue 2 "break"

3. create preset (IPCBET) "chorus" - allow refs
-write cue 3 "chorus"

For the 2.nd verse and so on:
-cue 1 thru 3 copy 4 tracking forwards disabled enter

Is this the way to go?
  • I hope this makes sense... I create my groups, position, color, and beams as pallets. Then I create my "Song" cue list (IPCB Crossfader). In this list, I record my Positions, colors, and beam effects. I also record 4-5 effects (circles, can-can, fades, and strobes) in separate cue list (IPCB for movement effects, and I fader for intensity effects). I usually have at least 7 different timing options in this list. I also set my back button set not to fire the cue, so that I can navigate my list. Hope this helps
  • I hope this makes sense... I create my groups, position, color, and beams as pallets. Then I create my "Song" cue list (IPCB Crossfader). In this list, I record my Positions, colors, and beam effects. I also record 4-5 effects (circles, can-can, fades, and strobes) in separate cue list (IPCB for movement effects, and I fader for intensity effects). I usually have at least 7 different timing options in this list. I also set my back button set not to fire the cue, so that I can navigate my list. Hope this helps
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