I have a show that frequently crashes immediately after the follow... open list, open cue __2__. Or any number cue. It doesn't crash every time and it's not the same cue every time either. I can't find a pattern of the crash. The file was originally created on a v2.2.x I believe. I recently ran it on v3.5.1. and had the same outcome. This is being run on PC and crashes to the desktop followed by going thru the task manager ending tasking in order to relaunch Hog. I will get log files and copy of show tonight. Is there someone I can email these to?
Hi, you can try merging your show file into a new show file. Open a new show, open the Shows window, press Merge Show and follow the prompts. When asked for a Source Location, select a Backup copy of the original show file and follow the prompts.