Blind mode bug???

Hello all,

I am having a problem on my nano hog console running Hog 4OS.

At seemingly random times and apparently of it's own volition the blind key will light up without me touching it. When it does and I switch it off I lose control of all my fixtures. It is as if once it switches on the blind key function is inverted and deselecting (and the relevant button LED going off) will then actually activate the blind mode.

Has anyone else experienced this or am i just doing something incorrectly? I am absolutley certain that I am not hitting the blind key myself.

Thanks in advance
  • Thank you for that. It turns out it was happening when I opened a cue.

    I'm still confused though on how this blind mode is working.

    I'll give you an example.

    I have a cuelist called "Smile" on fader 2. I want to edit something in that list so i choose fader 2 and type cue 3 open. Now the editor pops up and I make my changes and hit update. All is good so far. I finish working smile and now load up another cuelist called "frown". I start playing the show cue by cue but notice the blind key is still lit. When i now press the cue i was editing in smile now becomes active on the stage and nothing i do to release it or change it makes a difference. The only control i have is on the GM.

    When I press the blind key again (and the key LED comes back on) smile disappears and the active cue on frown returns.

    What exactly is happening here and how to I release smile from being attached to the blind key in this way?

    Thanks again for your fantastic advice thus far.
  • Thank you for that. It turns out it was happening when I opened a cue.

    I'm still confused though on how this blind mode is working.

    I'll give you an example.

    I have a cuelist called "Smile" on fader 2. I want to edit something in that list so i choose fader 2 and type cue 3 open. Now the editor pops up and I make my changes and hit update. All is good so far. I finish working smile and now load up another cuelist called "frown". I start playing the show cue by cue but notice the blind key is still lit. When i now press the cue i was editing in smile now becomes active on the stage and nothing i do to release it or change it makes a difference. The only control i have is on the GM.

    When I press the blind key again (and the key LED comes back on) smile disappears and the active cue on frown returns.

    What exactly is happening here and how to I release smile from being attached to the blind key in this way?

    Thanks again for your fantastic advice thus far.
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