Buddy is used like ist was before. So a Buddy of 2 will give the Same values to two fixtures next to each other in your selection, eg. Fixture 1-10, Buddy 2, fan any value, 1+2, 3+4, ... will get the same value. Same thing happening with fixtureselection when you press group+next/back
I think i am missunderstood in this. I know how buddying and segmenting works. What i am looking for is the soft-button labeled "Buddy Parts" at the far right of the segment toolbar. You can press and unpress that button. Hope thats clear now.
Buddy Parts enabled will treat a compound fixtures 'parts' as a singe fixture so fanning will NOT apply to the individual 'parts' that make up a compound fixture. This setting is the default.
Buddy Parts disabled will treat a compound fixtures 'parts' as an individual fixtures so fanning will apply to the 'parts' that make up the compound fixture.
Easy way to look at this is to patch 2 Shapeshifters, and fan hue. Now disable buddy parts and do the same, notice the 'parts' now have individual values