How (without playing patch and count) can you EASILY know which of the (multiple) fixtures are single parts and which are compound in the fixture schedule. I was under the impression it was fixtures with some sort of (indication in parentheses ) but that doesn't ring true for all. For instance, the HES SHOWPIX. It says SHOWPIX standard. I just think its confusing not to have some indicator. I've changed types multiple times with some fixtures not sure which is which.
Additionally, there should be some sort of notation of the sub-channel type in the programmer (similar to the show part details in patch) so you can see what part is what type. For example, on the Mbox, I see 7 subsets, and can't tell which is the shutter, vs layer, without going into the patch window again.
I have logged request 1296 for showing the 'parts' in the programmer and output window.
We have gone through the fixture schedule and tried to make a compound fixture for ANY fixtures that previously have to be scheduled and patched in 'parts'. (motion part - cell part - beam part)
So you might see a fixture in the 'standard' mode but it will appear as a compound fixture in our editors because previously the unit had to be patched in 'parts'. We have now "glued" these parts together and call them compound fixtures.
Totally aware of the compound fixtures; just want some notation in the schedule as sometimes it takes some trial and error to figure out which combination makes the right amount of DMX traits.
I do agree more information is always better. I think this is logged (have not looked as I type this) so I will add your comments if this is not logged I will get it logged.
Stephen, I think what you are looking for is just to show the parts column in the editor window. I don't think there is any need for a show details option here.