Request: Plots fixtures outline and numbers easier to read.

I love plots and I'm happy to hear that further development is planned for this year. So it seems like good timing to mention this.

1. The fixtures are currently represented by a circle. I find the white outline for the circle to be a heavier line weight than it needs to be. I also think that the fixture number lineweight is thinner than it needs to be:

With Large banks of led fixtures, and when the fixtures overlap, many times the white outline becomes more distinct than the color and intensity of the fixture. Personally, I feel the outline should be minimal in how much weight is given to it. It doesn't really serve to provide any feedback other than fixture perimeter. The blue outline however serves to provide fixture selection feedback. It's very useful. But in large layouts it's overpowered by the white outline.

2. Now with compound fixtures parts, and dense layouts, the text becomes increasingly harder to read. What about having the main fixture number on top and the point number below on a new line?

  • When the updated Plot View gets released, it will not only include many more icons to choose from, but it will allow for three sizes of the icons (small, medium, large) and it will also allow you to change the outline color to whatever you want. So you could just make a black outline or at least a darker color. This should help with the color visibility you mentioned. Not sure if there are plans for improving the fixture number visibility.
  • When the updated Plot View gets released, it will not only include many more icons to choose from, but it will allow for three sizes of the icons (small, medium, large) and it will also allow you to change the outline color to whatever you want. So you could just make a black outline or at least a darker color. This should help with the color visibility you mentioned. Not sure if there are plans for improving the fixture number visibility.
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