Independent Pan/Tilt cuelists

Okay so I'm putting together a new busking showfile and want to record fixture tilt positions into one cuelist and pans / pan fans into another. But when I try to record a tilt value it defaults to pan at 0, where I want to record the cue with no pan value in it at all. And the same for pans, record a pan with no tilt value. Is there a way around this or do I need to think of a new way to do positions?
It works with gobos for example, gobo selection in one cuelist, rotation speed in another.
Sorry if this has been asked before, couldn't find anything to answer my question.
  • I think you can. Do you know how to create user kinds? Otherwise you can look that up in the manual..

    You should create a user kind with only the tilt control and one with only the pan control. Then you record a cuelist like this--> [record] > ['user kind tilt] > and then press the master of choice.

    If I recall correctly , this way should only record what is used in the created user kinds. Same goes for the existing kinds aswel.. (colour, intensity etc..)
  • I think you can. Do you know how to create user kinds? Otherwise you can look that up in the manual..

    You should create a user kind with only the tilt control and one with only the pan control. Then you record a cuelist like this--> [record] > ['user kind tilt] > and then press the master of choice.

    If I recall correctly , this way should only record what is used in the created user kinds. Same goes for the existing kinds aswel.. (colour, intensity etc..)
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