Help can anyone help? I am trying to use pangolin pangoscrip to control cues in hog 4pc.. I have tried many different midi strings with little luck ... This is what keeps coming up on hog midi window..
This is one of the scripts I am using in pangoscript......
MidiOut 0x90, 0x40, 0x7F
71978390 71978390 286 Critical-1-008cfa2cc278 PB.MidiController Information critical-win32-golden.exe 5324 void __thiscall pb::MidiController::SysExHandler(const struct Hardware::Midi::Device::SysExMessage &) midicontroller.cpp 1023 MSC Received
71978390 71978390 285 Critical-1-008cfa2cc278 PB.MidiController Information critical-win32-golden.exe 5324 void __thiscall pb::MidiController::SysExHandler(const struct Hardware::Midi::Device::SysExMessage &) midicontroller.cpp 990 Received Valid Realtime Midi SysEx [Device=1]
71978390 71978390 284 Critical-1-008cfa2cc278 PB.MidiController Debug critical-win32-golden.exe 5324 void __thiscall pb::MidiController::SysExHandler(const struct Hardware::Midi::Device::SysExMessage &) midicontroller.cpp 976 SysEx Received
71978389 71978389 283 Critical-1-008cfa2cc278 PB.MidiController Information critical-win32-golden.exe Main bool __thiscall pb::MidiController::SendMSC(const unsigned char *,unsigned long) midicontroller.cpp 671 Sent MSC GO [device=1, format=1]
71978388 71978389 282 Critical-1-008cfa2cc278 PB.MidiController Information critical-win32-golden.exe 5324 void __thiscall pb::MidiController::ParseMidiNote(unsigned int) midicontroller.cpp 891 Midi Note On 64 Mapped to comment Macros: Firing comment macros 64
71978388 71978388 281 Critical-1-008cfa2cc278 PB.MidiController Information critical-win32-golden.exe 5324 void __thiscall pb::MidiController::ParseMidiNote(unsigned int) midicontroller.cpp 872 Received Midi Note# 64 ON with Velocity of 127 for Channel# 0