Bug: batches going through links


In my show I have a couple of "chase" lists. They all are being triggered by an external list a "bpm list" , so that they will always be in sync. I have links in the chase list for a chase, so different chases are stacked in one list.
At the beginning of this list is a cue 0.1 for when the chase is not in use. After that I placed 2 links back to cue 0.1. This is because the list always gets a go from the other bpm list.
In the chase list I have an dimmer effect. I have the effect size and rate on a batch fader. One for the size and one for the rate.
And now on to the problem.
When I move the fader from one of the batches, the links get ignored. Because the list gets a external go, it goes to the next cue. But it doesn't link back but continues instead. This means mayhem because all different kinds of chases are fired.

Please let me know if this is a bug and can be fixed in an coming update. Would really like to get working with the batches.

If you need additional information, please let me know!