So might have found a small bug today , ran on 2 HogPc setups both running 3.61 , one win 7 one 8.1 when show first loads before doing anything press setup - preferences and it crashes , everytime on both machines ??
i have experienced something similar. Setup: HogOS 3.6.1, Win10, i7 1st gen, 8Gb Ram, GT710 with Acer T272HL. Whenever i press Setup-Preferences, it takes about 2 seconds until it reacts. When looking at the taskmanager, i see a small load peek on one core up to nearly 100%. After disconnecting the USB-cable of the touch, everything reacts normal. I also have a lot crashes of the desktop process with the touch enabled. I haven´t tried running a show without having the touch of the monitor enabled. This happens with all shows, with new ones as well. I will try to get a dump file.