Missing library

Just noticed that in 3.8 Arkaos Mediamaster v1.0 full layer extended is missing.
  • Morn / Registered User / June 27 wrote:
    I have to change the six Chauvet Intimidators Wash Zoom 350 29ch compound fixture types to the same amount of Stairville MH-z1915 34ch ones. Sadly there is no compound fixture version of the z1915 in the library or on the FTP server. I requested it at 19th of may, but it is still on "to do" status.
    When I try to change the different parts of the Intimidator one by one, with the three non-compound fixture parts of the z1915 from the library, it doesn't exchange the fixtures, but add the three types (cell, motion, beam) as three fixtures with new fixture numbers. Also there is copied only one cell per lamp and not all 4 (or 5, the new lamp has even 5 cells)
    Is there a maybe compatible compound fixture by an other manufacturer in the library or how can I get this done?
  • Hello Morn,

    I did create the compound fixture for the MH-Z1915 Quad LED Wash Zoom 34ch and it will be included in the next release (3.9.0).
    3.9.0 is currently in beta3. I forgot to update the request page.

    The adding of "parts" is expected behavior, section 5.8 in the user manual has more information but in brief:
    The H4OS does not currently support change type functionality between one compound fixture to another compound fixture. When performing a change type from a compound fixture to a standard fixture type the compound fixture is cloned to the standard fixture and both the new fixtue and the original will live side by side in the show.