System Restore Problems. White Screen after boot up. What is Fluxbox


First time posting, please forgive me if this isn't the correct forum for this issue. I've thought about first asking technical support.

Sit rep:

Mins before doors, at a concert hall...hundreds of folks await with anticipation for a show. I boot up the lighting console. It pops up with a system recover count up, first guess system wasn't shut down properly. when the system pops up, it first boots to a white screen and my external touch screen also turns white but has a arch of black spray paint at the very bottom center of the screen, as if part of a logo was being display but shifted off the screen.

Eventually it loads to the normal start menus, asking you which show to boot and what not. However all show were gone from the console. a bit of digging around in the file browser confirmed this. As luck would have it I had just performed a system upgrade back in Jan and had backup files. Which load and work fine ever since.

What is Flux Box:

What has persisted ever since then is now across the bottom of the screen is a status bar which reads:

...Workspace 1.......Todays date Time.........Road Hog4 - External Monitor 1......Road Hog 4 Primary Screen

The status bar is interactive. if you click on primary screen for example will change focus to that screen.

Whats annoying is that it covers up and sits over half of the bottom buttons of the console, such as park or quit and it also seems to mess with the calibration of the touch screens.

What's odd and I cannot seem to find any info on, is clicking on workspaces lets you choose between 4 diffrent workspaces, 1 being the hog console its self(normal hog display), the other three only give you a blank screen with the big 4 logo of the hog.

when you go to another workspace and right click some where the background is where it gets strange. a drop down menu appears

1 apps.
2 help
3 window mangers
5 styles
6 workspaces
7 reconfig
8 restart
9 exit.

So my main question would be. should i just reinstall console? what did I find/what is fluxbox? how do I make this status bar go away?

sorry for the essay.