Easy method for cloning from a CMY fixture to Color wheel

Hello All,

I have run into an issue lately when having to use different types of fixtures in house rigs.

My show file has the following source fixtures: Mac 700 profile, Mac Aura, Chauvet Legend 412.

I programmed the show using color palettes as a reference for all cue lists.

The way how I clone the fixtures is to first select the source units, replicate them and then change type to the destination unit. I then update my pallets for the destination fixtures.

All attributes work in the cue lists when going to a color mixing fixture. When it is a color wheel fixture, the color wheel doesn't work. An example of the fixtures that I clone to are from Chauvet Legend 412 to Robe Pointe.

The only way I have had a successful show with this is painstakingly going cue to cue and updating cues with the updated color palettes that include color wheel data.

Is there a better way to do this?

  • Hi,
    I have found the best method to avoid this issue is to use pallets.
    What's also helpful is to possibly choose a fixture that has 2 fixed colour wheels and give both wheels a 0% value..i often then change type to the actual tour/show fixture leaving the colour pallets with c m,y and both colour wheel values.
    Before I start programing a show I create CMY colour pallets but I also add a 0% value to the colour wheel(s) so that if I have to change type to a fixture with only a colour wheel I can update the colour pallet to the closest fixed colour and my programming should update also.
    Obviously if you haven't done this before you start programing it's a painful process of going through every cue and manually adding fixed wheel values.

  • Hi,
    I have found the best method to avoid this issue is to use pallets.
    What's also helpful is to possibly choose a fixture that has 2 fixed colour wheels and give both wheels a 0% value..i often then change type to the actual tour/show fixture leaving the colour pallets with c m,y and both colour wheel values.
    Before I start programing a show I create CMY colour pallets but I also add a 0% value to the colour wheel(s) so that if I have to change type to a fixture with only a colour wheel I can update the colour pallet to the closest fixed colour and my programming should update also.
    Obviously if you haven't done this before you start programing it's a painful process of going through every cue and manually adding fixed wheel values.

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