Easy method for cloning from a CMY fixture to Color wheel

Hello All,

I have run into an issue lately when having to use different types of fixtures in house rigs.

My show file has the following source fixtures: Mac 700 profile, Mac Aura, Chauvet Legend 412.

I programmed the show using color palettes as a reference for all cue lists.

The way how I clone the fixtures is to first select the source units, replicate them and then change type to the destination unit. I then update my pallets for the destination fixtures.

All attributes work in the cue lists when going to a color mixing fixture. When it is a color wheel fixture, the color wheel doesn't work. An example of the fixtures that I clone to are from Chauvet Legend 412 to Robe Pointe.

The only way I have had a successful show with this is painstakingly going cue to cue and updating cues with the updated color palettes that include color wheel data.

Is there a better way to do this?

  • New color-handling was already shown a while ago, but still very early alpha-state.
    But I guess we will see it coming this year.

    Otherwise, like already mentioned. Programm always with palettes and have the color wheels included in your palettes.
    And always use the same base-show when coming into a new venue, so you can be sure that you have the original programming
  • New color-handling was already shown a while ago, but still very early alpha-state.
    But I guess we will see it coming this year.

    Otherwise, like already mentioned. Programm always with palettes and have the color wheels included in your palettes.
    And always use the same base-show when coming into a new venue, so you can be sure that you have the original programming
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