When I use LTC generated by TimeLord, there's a gap between starting playback (and LTC generation) in TL and the moment, when HOG 4PC begins to receive time code. Gap varies from 2.5 to 5 or even 7 seconds. I updated software from 3.6 to 3.8 recently, but gap is still there. I tried to use a different PC hardware and MIDI loopback drivers, but gap is still there. In HOG 3PC there's no gap. Can you fix this?
have you tried with a different timecode source? i use showkontrol and reaper and altho hog does take a second to lock onto incoming timecode i have never had to wait more than 2 seconds. with any timecode, there will be a short time where the console will not lock on. the same is true for any desk or timecode. this is generally one of the reasons to use preroll.