Chase step timing, cuelist random order?

Hi there,

Hog beginner here. Have been playing with our new HedgeHog4N (v3.8.0) for a couple of days, preparing for a first show. I've searched the manual and forum for solutions to this but couldn't find it.

I'm after creating randomized intensity patterns, turning a number of fixtures full on and off. I could get in that direction with effects but I want control over the individual step (cue) timings and make the playback order randomized.

I created a cuelist that includes different timing per cue. So far so good but I don't find a way to randomize the playback order. I mean not just shuffling the order once but randomize playback continuously.

I've tried making it a chase but then it seems I loose timing control. Whatever I set in the wait column is overridden by the chase BPM.

I'm sure I'm overlooking something simple here. Any tips much appreciated.

Best, Dieter
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