Desktop crashes when changing to Page 3,4 or 5

Desktop crashes, when changing to page 3,4 or 5. Restarting desktop leads into an imminent crash again. When I set back the page to a working one with using Next or Pig+Next while the desktop is down, it comes up again. Moving Pages to an other directory button doesn't change the behavior. Deleting them and creating blank ones does it. So it must be something wrong with the interior of those special pages. I can send you the showfile for analysis if nesessery.
  • Hello Morn,

    I would like to reproduce this, can you give some more information?

    What console are you on?
    What software version are you running?
    What version was the show created on?
    Does this happen 100% or every occasionally?
    What other hardware do you have, external monitors or wings?
    What is your network set up like?

    Please send your file to

  • Sorry for the delay with sending you the show file… I first had holidays and then a tons of shows with mainly sound mixing I had to take care of. So I didn’t found the time to write this e-mail. But it is now on its way.

    What console are you on? Roadhog 4
    What software version are you running? 3.10
    What version was the show created on? Some what around 3.4 to3.7…sometime in 2017, I cant remember the exact time.
    Does this happen 100% or every occasionally? 100%
    What other hardware do you have, external monitors or wings? None.
    What is your network set up like? Plain console, no network hardware.
  • Hello, I received your email, I have sent all the info off to development for them to reproduce and potentially fix in an update.