When changing a numeric field in user preferences, on screen keyboard won't go away anymore

I tried to change the startup macro, but after entering the values, hitting enter, pressing the OK button brings up the keyboard again. If I close it, OK button graphic is stuck and pressing it again will bring up the keyboard back again. Same behavior with the apply and cancel button other text fields in user prefs are affected, too.

Console: RoadHog4, Hog OS 3.12
  • I am disappointed at every OS release date, when the update still not contain features that hundreds of users ask for since years and are part of other major consoles since decades.
    But of course I can understand that, what features you introduce is always a business decision, too and you surely know, what the majority of your customer need and set priority according to that. 

    Maybe people like me are just not your main target group or have just chosen the wrong console for there own needs. But that is of course not your fault.
    But I really ask myself, if that bug I reported 1 1/2 years ago, is such a hard programming issue, that it was not possible to fix this in 3.13, 3.13.1 or 3.14?

    That is very disappointing.

    Just an idea: Have you ever thought about a OS release where you just fix all of the known or reported bug issue numbers in one wack, so that we have a bug and glitch free Hog OS we can work with and rely on, before introducing new features, with the possibility to add new bugs?

    I understand that as customers, we don't have the right to demand for special additional features which were not part of the OS when we bought or consoles, but I think we have the right to get bugs or broken things fixed as soon as possible, when a bug is reported. :-(

  • I am disappointed at every OS release date, when the update still not contain features that hundreds of users ask for since years and are part of other major consoles since decades.
    But of course I can understand that, what features you introduce is always a business decision, too and you surely know, what the majority of your customer need and set priority according to that. 

    Maybe people like me are just not your main target group or have just chosen the wrong console for there own needs. But that is of course not your fault.
    But I really ask myself, if that bug I reported 1 1/2 years ago, is such a hard programming issue, that it was not possible to fix this in 3.13, 3.13.1 or 3.14?

    That is very disappointing.

    Just an idea: Have you ever thought about a OS release where you just fix all of the known or reported bug issue numbers in one wack, so that we have a bug and glitch free Hog OS we can work with and rely on, before introducing new features, with the possibility to add new bugs?

    I understand that as customers, we don't have the right to demand for special additional features which were not part of the OS when we bought or consoles, but I think we have the right to get bugs or broken things fixed as soon as possible, when a bug is reported. :-(

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