Bug? Can't Open Backup Showfile in Hog PC Running on Parallels

I run HogPC 3.12.0 (b2351) in Parallels 14.1.3 on a new, updated MacBook Pro 10.14.5 (18F132). Both the MacBook and Parallels [running Win 10, itself fully updated] are fully up-to-date, as is HogPC.

I can open a live show and make a backup in my HogPC "Shows" folder just fine, so it is not corruption or permissions. But I cannot open an archived (_bck) show file, not even your tutorial show files. And the new backup I just made from a live show is likewise un-openable. I get the same failure drumghys describes in his post "Can't open a backup show (Hog4PC 3.4.0)” (last updated October 2017).

I saw no errors in my Parallels Log (or any other log) referencing Hog or its programs. There were no Hog errors in the Windows 10 Event Viewer either. On starting up HPC, opening a regular showfile, and opening the Hog Event Viewer before I log off that show and trying to open a backup file, I see the following:

372341 372342 140 Launcher-1-001c429fa82f Showitems.UnarchiveTask Debug launcher-win32-golden.exe Main enum Task::Progress::Result __thiscall Showitems::UnarchiveTask::Execute(void) archive_task.cpp 329 Archive //Mac/Home/Documents/High End Systems/Hog 4 PC/Shows/DF Castle 112017_bck.hog4show extracted in 88ms

372341 372341 139 Launcher-1-001c429fa82f Os.Archive Error launcher-win32-golden.exe Main bool __thiscall Os::Archive::ExtractCurrent(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,struct archive_entry *) osarchive.cpp 142 archive_write_header failed with Can't create '\\?\C:\Mac\Home\Documents\High End Systems\Hog 4 PC\Shows\DF Castle 112017 (2)\~hog3_ident' for archive //Mac/Home/Documents/High End Systems/Hog 4 PC/Shows/DF Castle 112017_bck.hog4show

372253 372253 138 Launcher-1-001c429fa82f Showitems.UnarchiveTask Debug launcher-win32-golden.exe Main enum Task::Progress::Result __thiscall Showitems::UnarchiveTask::Execute(void) archive_task.cpp 243 Extracting show from archive DF Castle 112017_bck.hog4show

Seems to me the Launcher app (or the sub-process handling the extraction from the archive - osarchive.cpp? archivetask.cpp?) lacks inherited permission to write the expanded showfile to my disk. That seems like a bug as I don't see a way to increase that subprocess's privileges.

How can I work around this? Is there a 3d party app to unarchive the archived showfile?
  • So I finally found time to test this further with exactly the same desktop setup - macOS Catalina, Parallels 16, ,and Windows 10. I've downloaded previous versions of Hog4PC and determined this issue was first introduced in V3.9.0 (B1704). It would be really useful to find a resolution for this in future builds, as for me I'm using the Mac for everything else during programming, as I'm sure many other operators do. As others have reported this is the only software I have this type of issue with running under these conditions.
  • So I finally found time to test this further with exactly the same desktop setup - macOS Catalina, Parallels 16, ,and Windows 10. I've downloaded previous versions of Hog4PC and determined this issue was first introduced in V3.9.0 (B1704). It would be really useful to find a resolution for this in future builds, as for me I'm using the Mac for everything else during programming, as I'm sure many other operators do. As others have reported this is the only software I have this type of issue with running under these conditions.
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