Strange behavior using TC Widget with a DP8000

Hello Everyone,
I'am currently touring the Dutch theatres with a timecoded show using the following setup:
Roadhog4 V3.12 getting timecode from a Macbook Pro running Qlab. Timecode is ouputed thru a Rosendahl Mif4 and running over a single xlr cable to a Hog4 timecode widget which is plugged into a Hog4 DP8K. The DP8k is connected to a Cisco SG300-20 gigabit switch and to that same switch is connected a Roadhog4 over a 75 meter Cat6 run.

IP Roadhog =

DP8K shows: Running Showserver: No errors

This diagram shows the exact system setup

Now the problem:
When starting the timecode on the Qlab Macbook the Mif4 starts to display timecode, however the Roadhog displays the timecode about 2 (two) seconds later. When stopping the timecode, the timecode on the Roadhog keeps running for about 6 till 8 seconds. (Regenerate frames is set to 0). Also the delay at start and stop of the timecode isn't always the same, on some occasions the timecode did run as if there where no problems, but that could change by the minute.

Troubleshooting so far:
Reinstalling software on both the Roadhog and DP8000; No change in behaviour
Replacing the SG300-20 switch for a unmanaged gigabit switch: No change in behaviour
Replacing the Roadhog; No change in behaviour
Replacing the DP8000; No change in behaviour
Using a different Cat6 line; No change in behaviour
Replacing the Timecode Widget; No change in behaviour
Replaced the Rosendahl Mif4; No change in behaviour
Using the Timecode widget directly at the Roadhog does work as expected, however we lost the advantage of picking up timecode at the stage

For now we run SMPTE over the spare Cat6 line on our FOH Multi, and use a second Mif4 as input to the Roadhog and run MTC into the console. We don't use any external DP8000 in the network but now use the internal DP of the Roadhog to output 8 universes of Artnet which runs smooth at this point.

So for now i can work happy again, however i would like to know if anyone has expirienced this in the past, and more important, how did you solve it!

If needed i can provide the showfile
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