Bug-Lag when usign encoders on Hoglet

Hello everybody, i recently upgraded my Hogon PC to 3.14 and I´m facing a strange behaviour after a while. When scrolling through  (a list or the output for example) by using Open+EncoderWheel (for up/down), the list doesn´t move along with turning the encoder. The scrolling just stops, and after a second or so it moves again. Same is happening, when I want to adjust Pan/Tilt for example.

At first, I thought, it would be in context with the network. I used a laptop with an own superwidget for Backup. Hog-/Fixturenet have their own NICs with different IP ranges, so both nets are separatet. PC with Hoglet had its four universes to ArtNet as well (there was no output on ArtNet). When having turned of the PC with Hoglet, everything went fine for a while, then the upper behaviour came up again. Didn´t have any problems with further versions

Specs of PC with Hoglet: Core i3 8100, 8 Gb RAM, 120 Gb SSD, 27" Multitouch (USB). Hoglet is the first series, it was bought in December 2016. I THINK its version is 2.3, but I am not sure.

Could it be that the patched ArtNet universes cause trouble, when they are not in use? I have to admit that in further versions I had not enabled any DMX-output over network, when having not used it

  • Hey everybody,

    a late chime in, nevertheless here are my stats:
    Nano Hog4 with 02 x internal Super Widget
    occasionally (okay, most of the times) 02 x Hog 3 Mini Playback Wing
    Computer is a Dell Inspiron 2350 AIO with i3 Processor and SSD inside. (I know, it's an old Computer, but it always worked like a flaw and is still doing this, only our beatifull lagging issue makes it hard to handle)
    Latest Windows 10...

    Hog 4 PC is the only app running on this computer. I disabled as much as I could from the windows side. Computer connects only to the internet for updates once a year or so..
    Nomad Dongle Driver installed

    I use this Computer fro a very long time and it never made any hiccups or similar. Even with 12 Universes nearly fully running there was no issue about slowdowns or similar. It just started at a certain point I can't remember with the lagging encoders...


  • Hey everybody,

    a late chime in, nevertheless here are my stats:
    Nano Hog4 with 02 x internal Super Widget
    occasionally (okay, most of the times) 02 x Hog 3 Mini Playback Wing
    Computer is a Dell Inspiron 2350 AIO with i3 Processor and SSD inside. (I know, it's an old Computer, but it always worked like a flaw and is still doing this, only our beatifull lagging issue makes it hard to handle)
    Latest Windows 10...

    Hog 4 PC is the only app running on this computer. I disabled as much as I could from the windows side. Computer connects only to the internet for updates once a year or so..
    Nomad Dongle Driver installed

    I use this Computer fro a very long time and it never made any hiccups or similar. Even with 12 Universes nearly fully running there was no issue about slowdowns or similar. It just started at a certain point I can't remember with the lagging encoders...


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