V3.17 Update Palette Issue

I’m having a problem with updating palettes. If I make a change with a fixture and then “Update” the change doesn’t get recorded. However, if I make a change and then “Merge” the change into the palette, the change gets recorded.
  • What is your default masking behavior, destination palette mask, and parameter you to which you seek to record?

    In my position palette, I keep P selected at the top of the position directory but use IPCB where I need to record that information into the palette. If I merge information into that palette, I select IPCB where appropriate to update that information into that particular palette. During a show, if I make a change all I normally do is press update and in the dialogue box, deselect Cue and select Palette Enter and Clear.
  • What is your default masking behavior, destination palette mask, and parameter you to which you seek to record?

    In my position palette, I keep P selected at the top of the position directory but use IPCB where I need to record that information into the palette. If I merge information into that palette, I select IPCB where appropriate to update that information into that particular palette. During a show, if I make a change all I normally do is press update and in the dialogue box, deselect Cue and select Palette Enter and Clear.
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