Fixture Builder Hog4 on PC

Guten Tag,
offene Frage:
Ist jemals jemand für die "Erschaffung" des Fixture Builders in der Hog4 on PC bezahlt worden?
Der hat nen Mordsgeschäft gemacht.

Im ernst:
WIE funktioniert das Ding?
Es ist vollkommen egal, was ich mache, ich bekomme immer eine mehr oder weniger kryptische Fehlermeldung.
Überwiegend "fehlen" oder passen irgendwelche Offset-Werte nicht.
Aber egal was ich auch anstelle, habe ich den einen Fehler bei einem Kanal weg, schwupps der nächste
Kleines Beispiel:

Bis zu dieser Fehlermeldung funktionierte der Strobe Kanal.

Aus dem Handbuch der Lampe:

Im Fixturebuilder bei Hog4

Was genau will die Kiste von mir????

Ich versuche den LightmaXX Vector 150 Spot zu bauen, weil der in der Library nicht drin ist.
Und außer einer ständigen Verweigerung das von mir angelegt Gerät endlich mal zu speichern passiert,... nichts.
Es gibt keinerlei Hilfe oder Hinweis, WIE man den die Fehlermeldung beseitigen könne.

Tschuldigung für die klare Aussage, aber das Ding ist so wirklich richtig schlecht gemacht...

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  •   here is my best try at this fixture, hopefully this helps vector spot 150.

    After creating every channel I press the "build" button. So that I can tackle one error at a time. The basic tab also got me a large chunk of the way but there were some curveballs.

  • You see, it doesn`t matter what i try.
    I get ever a faul popup...

    Next fault,... why is it not possible upload a mp4 video?????

  • Hi Louis, if you click the above link there's both the XML and the fixture library for you to download and they should get you up and running since they're the complete fixture.

    I do not know why you keep getting just the operation failed error but I will look into it.


    Hope, it works now.
    After download the xml File and import it in Hog4 i must change the Fixture.
    I need the 12 Channel (M3) Option.
    So i delete Pan/Til Fine, delete the Color Mode and Function Channel.
    Try store it via "Build Fixture".
    Hog crash.
    And now i can`t restart Hog.....

  • Hello, please consult the link again as I have the 12 channel version there as well now. vector spot 150

    What do you mean by crash? If you do hold down Pig, Open and <- this will show you launched processes and you can see what process exactly went down and you can restart the process. By right clicking on the process and pressing restart. If you are on PC with no hardware attached you can go into task manager and under details find launcher and kill the process tree 

    after you do that wait a few seconds and then you should be able to launch Hog 4 PC again

    In your video you overlapped the Value of 0 which is the last column.

    Here's the working prism section with the Prism offset from the fixture I made.

    In your video you did not add Prism Offset which was one of the errors you kept receiving

  • First very much THANKS for your support here.
    It is great.

    I have do a Copy of the 15 Channel, remove the Channels i not need and store it new.
    After some remove, add new, unpatch, patch, change type,... it works.

    Next step will be, download your 12 Channel Fiture.
    I am shure, it will work better then all i do...

    I mean with crash, Hog4 collapse and close.
    I try start it new, but Hog say, Sorry another instance of Hog4 runs.
    But,... nope...
    So i open Windows Task Manager and close all Hog Task i found.
    Try restart,... nope.
    I must restart my Laptop new....
    System Info say this about my Laptop:

    I have no idea when Redmont have release Win 6.2, i ever thought my Laptop have Win10, but if Hog say i have Win6 it must be so....

    All i have do -in first trys get and create the Fixture...- during make the Fixture is, click on the Channels Hog offers and then try store it.
    I not change any Levels or setting.
    But i also get ever the Fault popups...
    So, why do Hog add Channels and set the Options for the Channels wrong?

    For me the Fixture Builder is very strange and not really good.
    If i need 3 days for make a real simple 12 Channel Lamp (and it is not the first Software/Desk i work with...).

    Here the Fixture i make for EOS:

    Need 15-20 minutes

  • Not a problem, happy to help.

    With the task manager its very important to kill the process tree we have several Hog processes. Restart should 100% fix Hog not launching though as that closes all the processes as well.

    My OS version is also 6.2 and I am running windows 10 so you are good.

    I have not experiences an issue adding channels from the basic option and having them report errors if I have only been using basic. Can you give me an example with a new fixture? 

    I am not familiar with Eos fixture builder, I would have to learn, but I am familiar with Eos and there are differences between how Eos and Hog do their fixture libraries.

    I am working with our support team to gather up all our articles and videos to take a look at them to make the documentation better/more clear so that hopefully those documents can provide better assistance in the future.

    Things I personally do when building a fixture:

    • Press Build after every channel so I can see what I did wrong
    • Remember in the same channel the Value (also known as real world value/ real world ranges) cannot overlap for the same Function and Feature
    • Stay in the basic tab as long as I can to make life easier
    • Use Copy Type to see how another fixture with that Function and Feature was done
    • Remember that sometimes other channels have to reference each other like the pesky Prism or messages that say  missing an offset happen
    • In error messages: Inputs are the Function and Combo is the feature and value
  • I want give you a feedback.
    At the moment all works with the Fixturebuilder.
    I can -for example- set new Default Levels and store it.
    I get no fault popups.

    But i have another "problem" now.
    Same show on two different machines, same settings.
    At one Computer all works fine.
    The other give stress with the Playbackmasters.
    I can`t change thje choosen Master.
    I can,..... if i press the knob with number the choosen master will change.
    After 2-3-4-... Minutes.
    The Faders works fine, the Flashbuttons also.
    But i can`t change the selection for the master.
    Follow this, i can`t release a Masterplayback.
    And with double press -maybe at Master 2- the Master 2 -his cuelist- will not be open.
    If Master 1 is the select Master, i double press at Master 2, Master 1 will be open.
    Thats a little strange for me.
    It looks like as, the software "store" all press i do on upper knobs above the faders and then run this pressing with 5-10 minutes delay.

    This only happen at one Computer.
    Same show.
    Both are Win10 Computers, i use them also for Capture, Blender, Resolve, EOS,....
    So it is NOT a question of the Computerpower.

  • Hi   Would you mind emailing us a video of your problem?

    I have upload a 7 minute Video at YouTube.

    All action i do in this video is only via mouse pointer.
    At Mailadress i have send the Showfile