"Change Type" and fixture type pallets...

Hey there,

in one show I use a lot of moving light fixtures. Most of my pallets in the directories are "Per Type". For example intensity, strobe, color, gobo and so on are the same and no matter how much fixtures of that kind I add, they instantly behave the same. Now I go to a venue where suddenly one fixture does not use the 16 bit all access mode but the 8 bit all access mode. Shouldn't be a problem, I can just change type? No: All my "per type" pallets are useless. Can't I just select all my 16 bit fixtures, press change type, select the 8 bit fixture model and be happy that it works? I mean that's the way it would work on EOS... Can I at least copy all per type values or recall them? It's frustrating to see all pallets are unavailable for these fixtures now.



Parents Reply Children
  • Thank you .

    I personally would like to be able to change type without losing show data Joy

    I got a work around because I luckily used a custom fixture type of my template showfile: In that specific copy of my template file I edited the fixture and deleted the second channel of every 16bit parameter. Not the best way but it's a quick and dirty workaround. These are the things you do when you are on site and have little time. Under stress you get the best ideas.