A few lighting color issues / questions

Hi, relatively new to Hog 4 and have been teaching myself on the Hog 4 PC.

We have a Hedgehog setup at work with a permanent rig consisting of 4x Rogue RX1 Wash, 4x Intimidator 355 IRC 21ch, 2 pixel bars, and 1x blinder on a backlight rigging. There's also 4x Eve-P 100w lights for a front wash.

Anyway, I made a new showfile so I could practice and build my own show etc, imported the fixtures from the main showfile and got the lights to work at basic. Except:

(1) I cannot get all the colors on the Rogue washes. The HS and CMY encoders don't seem to do anything except the Colour wheel on the second page (I end up with maybe 10 colors or something with this). I don't mind this, but I can't get a red color even though looking in the original showfile would give me the color I want.

(2) My understanding is the Intimidator Spots have only 8 colors? In which case, that seems right as I cannot access the color picker.

(3) The panning on 2 of the Intimidators appear limited as I can't get them to face to the stage (the keep facing the curtain). I tried changing the invert settings for panning and tilt in the fixture window but they don't do much.

As such, I don't get these problems when working with the showfile, but it would be nice working with a directory that doesn't have 100 cuelists scattered throughout it.

(4) As an extra question, as mentioned I'm using the Hog 4 PC software at home and I'm looking at plots. My understanding is the Plot View is suppose to preview color and intensity but nothing seems to change for me.

Thanks all.

  • Hey there, to make sure I hit all your points, I will format my response in a similar way

    1. With the Rogues, HS and CMY are going to function similarly, as on Hog 4 v3, HS is only available on fixtures with CMY, and on a Rogue Wash, CMY is created by inverting the RGB channels. Another thing to remember on the Rogue Washes is that they have a white emitter, which could be on giving you less saturated colors; CMY does not control the white emitter on Hog 4 v3.
    2. Intimidator Spots do not color mix, they only have an 8+Open color wheel.
    3. Intimidator Spot 355 IRCs do have a pan limiter option; the options are 540, 360 and 180 degrees, and from quick research it appears that that is set on the fixture itself. Could this be what is causing your limited pan ability?
    4. Plots can only show intensity and color if your show is able to  "output". What I mean by that is you need to have some form of outputs mapped in your Processor Settings, even if they will not work, to get Plots feedback. If you look in your Output and DMX Output windows, you would also see right now that they are blank. To map outputs, you can follow the steps I have linked here.
  • Hey there, to make sure I hit all your points, I will format my response in a similar way

    1. With the Rogues, HS and CMY are going to function similarly, as on Hog 4 v3, HS is only available on fixtures with CMY, and on a Rogue Wash, CMY is created by inverting the RGB channels. Another thing to remember on the Rogue Washes is that they have a white emitter, which could be on giving you less saturated colors; CMY does not control the white emitter on Hog 4 v3.
    2. Intimidator Spots do not color mix, they only have an 8+Open color wheel.
    3. Intimidator Spot 355 IRCs do have a pan limiter option; the options are 540, 360 and 180 degrees, and from quick research it appears that that is set on the fixture itself. Could this be what is causing your limited pan ability?
    4. Plots can only show intensity and color if your show is able to  "output". What I mean by that is you need to have some form of outputs mapped in your Processor Settings, even if they will not work, to get Plots feedback. If you look in your Output and DMX Output windows, you would also see right now that they are blank. To map outputs, you can follow the steps I have linked here.
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