compound fixtures in Fixture builder

i have looked through the manual and it didn't really give a good explanation.  I know hog can do compound fixtures but i cant find anywhere that tells me exactly how to create one.  even a simple multi cell rgb fixture. any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • i found the etc study hall where they talk about it and it said you cant really create a compound fixture you can just create cells and sort of put em together in the patch

  • i found the etc study hall where they talk about it and it said you cant really create a compound fixture you can just create cells and sort of put em together in the patch

  • Ah!  Thank you so much!

  • This works really well! and is not as difficult as it seems at first.  

    but, i have noticed when i make a mistake (spell something wrong or accidentally import the same xml fixture twice)  i don't have the ability to delete the compound fixture,  only the base fixture created with the fixture builder that was exported,  is there anyway to delete an imported compound fixture or is it just gonna haunt my fixture schedule!

    Thank you for all the help!

  • I think you might be haunted! I will look into this tomorrow and report back if I can find a way to get rid of them. I have never personally tried

  • So even after deleting all the parts the "ghost" fixture is still alive and well. If you really don't want to see it you could always download a new fixture library, rename it, and then point the library to that and then import your fixture that's free of spelling errors.

    There is also a file in the file browser that contains all compound fixture types called compound_types so if your only compound fixture is the one you have made you could remove that file or open it and see if you can remove the fixture. Opening it looks like a bunch of symbols and fixture parts