4.1.0. Color FX Bug

Hi everyone,

This happens with every color effect I try to record:

When saving the programmer with fx from the engine, the colors don't match my previously programmed colors.

I tried picking them manually as well as using "effect @color 2 thru 5" for example.

In the programmer it all looks fine pre-recording, but the colors change when trying to use that palette. I see the wrong colors in my output window as well as on stage.

My console now even crashes its processor and I got no Output whatsoever. Please help!

It makes the fx engine for colors completely useless. It's a shame that this wasn't tested properly.

Using the current Version 4.1.0. with a roadhog currently.

It doesn't really matter which fixtures I use, as multiple have that problem. Right now there are SolaFrame Theatre and Robe 600 LED Wash.

Just tested it with a new show and the problem persists.

Please help me :(