Hog 4.2.0 XML import error

Hello all,

In our theatre we have three stages and I would like to update our  Hog4 and Roadhog consoles to latest software. But there has been some difficulties to import 3.21.0 created XML file to 4.1.0 and now 4.2.0.

XML file did import to 4.1.0 with no hickup. But tilt movement was between 0-8%(output) in fixtures with changed home position. Fixtures with default home position were ok. I did merge this showfile to new file and all fixtures were good but I did lost all settings. It is bit annoying that home positions, universe names and output patch are all gone.

Now I tried to import same XML file to 4.2.0 but got operation failed error and nothing was imported.

So it seems that only possibility to use existing showfile is to import to 4.1.0 and then merge to 4.2.0 and fix all missing settings.

Any thoughts?

