I have been trying to import the .xml file for my showfile into 4.2 and it fails every time. I am not quite sure what I’m doing wrong. I exported the .xml file from 3.21, started a new show file in 4.2 and then tried importing. It goes great until I tap OK after selecting all parameters then within seconds the import fails. I am using a FullBoar.
is there a problem with importing custom fixture profiles?
Am I missing something on exporting the showfile from 3.21?
Am I going about the wrong export/import process?
Should I consider going back into audio? (35 years has been a good run in lighting I suppose )
What is the average flight speed of an unladen swallow?
Please send help.
I will switch back to 3.21 where the console likes my show file until I find answers.
Eric Alexander
Central Production Coordinator