Upgrading to 4.2

I have been trying to import the .xml file for my showfile into 4.2 and it fails every time. I am not quite sure what I’m doing wrong. I exported the .xml file from 3.21, started a new show file in 4.2 and then tried importing. It goes great until I tap OK after selecting all parameters then within seconds the import fails.  I am using a FullBoar. 

is there a problem with importing custom fixture profiles?

Am I missing something on exporting the showfile from 3.21?

Am I going about the wrong export/import process?

Should I consider going back into audio? (35 years has been a good run in lighting I suppose  )

What is the average flight speed of an unladen swallow?

Please send help. 

I will switch back to 3.21 where the console likes my show file until I find answers. 

Eric Alexander

Central Production Coordinator

  • I have a similar issue with importing a show with user fixtures to 4.2. The 4.1. workaround does not work for me, because 4.1 has import issues, too which were reported by me and resolved in 4.2.'
    You can imagine what kind of facial expression I had when I learned that 4.2 introduced a new bug, which prevents me from updating. Rolling eyes

    ETC tech support suggested trying to merge the show into a new show under 3.21.1 and export and than import to 4.2 again. But this did not work either. (BTW why were all the entries of the command directory lost? Are they not part of the merging process?)

    So I switched all the user fixtures to their regular "twins" where possible and where no regulars were available, to something similar with the same channel count. After the import worked I recreated the user fixtures which had no "library twin" in the exactly way they were under 3.21.1 and change typed back to them.
    That brought back all the data in cues, scenes, etc. like it was before on 3.21.1. So if there is anybody out there for whom it is no option to import to 4.1 first, this might help

  • I have a similar issue with importing a show with user fixtures to 4.2. The 4.1. workaround does not work for me, because 4.1 has import issues, too which were reported by me and resolved in 4.2.'
    You can imagine what kind of facial expression I had when I learned that 4.2 introduced a new bug, which prevents me from updating. Rolling eyes

    ETC tech support suggested trying to merge the show into a new show under 3.21.1 and export and than import to 4.2 again. But this did not work either. (BTW why were all the entries of the command directory lost? Are they not part of the merging process?)

    So I switched all the user fixtures to their regular "twins" where possible and where no regulars were available, to something similar with the same channel count. After the import worked I recreated the user fixtures which had no "library twin" in the exactly way they were under 3.21.1 and change typed back to them.
    That brought back all the data in cues, scenes, etc. like it was before on 3.21.1. So if there is anybody out there for whom it is no option to import to 4.1 first, this might help

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