Bug v4 Lee Swatch Hybrid vs Brightest


I’m experiencing an issue with the Color Picker in Hybrid mode on my Hog4 console (software version 4.2).

My lighting rig consists of the following fixtures:

  • Robe T11
  • Showtec Luna Par 120 RGBW
  • Generic Moving Head RGBW (Custom fixture file)
  • Showtec Performer Cyc Q6 RGBALC

When selecting colors from the Lee preset filters in the Color Picker while in Hybrid mode, only the Robe T11 changes color correctly. The other fixtures remain unaffected. However, when switching to Brightest mode, the remaining fixtures do respond, but the colors are not properly calibrated.

It seems like the non-calibrated fixtures are not properly interpreting the Hybrid mode. Could this be a bug in how Hybrid mode interacts with non-calibrated fixtures, or is there a workaround for this?

Has anyone else encountered this issue? Any suggestions or fixes would be appreciated!

I only tested it with Lee filters.