TouchOSC and MIDI

Enableing the TouchOSC and midi fader movements on the hog4pc if any hardware is connected.

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  • [QUOTE=sinclair;64991]+1

    My vote is to have all controls active, regardless of hardware attached. Who in their right mind would use an iPad as a sole control surface?! By itself you can't even see a command line to confirm where you are. It certainly makes your brain work harder visualizing the console's state. This kluge is a nice effort, but really wants to be a more complete solution.

    And how about the native app if that ever emerges? Will that also have hardware limitations? In-app purchases for encoders? Fader packs?

    And in the end, we already have fully functional virtual encoders and faders with our tablets running full clients so why all the fuss about doing it with an iDevice?

    There's my $0.02

    A huge thanks to the HES developers and staff for all their continuing efforts to making Hog an incredible platform to light with!

    I know a lot people who would do it!!!
    And it is not just ipad... There is a lot Hardware around that can send out OSC commands....
    Will make all real wings useless...