Unlock The Universe Count H4PC

Another thread in this forum made me think about this...

Considering that H4PC can be scaled on the user end with the most recent hardware. Would it be possible for you guys over at HES to consider unlocking the internal available universes, being only dependent on the widgets attached?

I am really curious if the latest Hardware can drive much more than what we have access to.

  • Gideon,
    The USB dongle would be the only thing needed to unlock all of the artnet. So the widgets wouldn't be needed.

    And Marc,

    You are correct about not having a backup, so instead of having just one, maybe you would run two mother ships on the same net # so one is always idle waiting to be the failover. Two Motherships is still cleaner than 8 DPs.

    And if I remember correctly from school years ago.. And someone correct me if I am wrong.. The more points of failure you have, the higher the chance of failure happening, right?
  • Gideon,
    The USB dongle would be the only thing needed to unlock all of the artnet. So the widgets wouldn't be needed.

    And Marc,

    You are correct about not having a backup, so instead of having just one, maybe you would run two mother ships on the same net # so one is always idle waiting to be the failover. Two Motherships is still cleaner than 8 DPs.

    And if I remember correctly from school years ago.. And someone correct me if I am wrong.. The more points of failure you have, the higher the chance of failure happening, right?
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