ball and ring

Have only really noticed the annoyance of this in last few weeks if you hold open then move the track ball it scrolls down the screen if this could be turned of that would be great

also extra options for the ring would be great when not in blue mode so that it also doesn't scroll through your lists ect
  • [QUOTE=jsteel;70295]
    also extra options for the ring would be great when not in blue mode so that it also doesn't scroll through your lists ect

    I really like having this is a scroll, but it's extremely sensitive. I turned the sensitivity WAY down and now it doens't scroll everytime I brush against it. I have to purposefully give it a couple degrees of turn to move.
  • [QUOTE=jsteel;70295]
    also extra options for the ring would be great when not in blue mode so that it also doesn't scroll through your lists ect

    I really like having this is a scroll, but it's extremely sensitive. I turned the sensitivity WAY down and now it doens't scroll everytime I brush against it. I have to purposefully give it a couple degrees of turn to move.
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