[Request] New Comment Macro (Step To List/Cue) Or (Load List/Cue)

A formal request for another comment macro.

Please consider making a new comment macro that gives us the functionality to have a cue list step to a specific cue without running that cue, so that the functionality exists to have a list or multiple lists track the position of a playing cue list separately from actually running in.


  • I think so as well Marc.

    I had to have multiple inactive lists track a master list, giving me the option to bring them up when I wanted... My solution was to have a GoList and ReleaseList comment macro on the same line for the same cue... It worked as I guess the release happened so fast that it didn't allow the cue to actually output. But the goal was to get that list to follow another list. If we had a comment macro like "LoadList 1/10" where it would just bring the arrow to the cue# without running it, it would be great. Also having a comment macro where we could step foreword or backward without running it would be cool as well.

  • I think so as well Marc.

    I had to have multiple inactive lists track a master list, giving me the option to bring them up when I wanted... My solution was to have a GoList and ReleaseList comment macro on the same line for the same cue... It worked as I guess the release happened so fast that it didn't allow the cue to actually output. But the goal was to get that list to follow another list. If we had a comment macro like "LoadList 1/10" where it would just bring the arrow to the cue# without running it, it would be great. Also having a comment macro where we could step foreword or backward without running it would be cool as well.

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