Replacing color palettes

I would really like some way to "batch" replace color palettes in one step. Here is my thought:

Let's assume we start with 60 color palettes and they are laid out in the directory as colors 1-60. I then make duplicates of those color palettes and place them at 101-160. I make another set of duplicates at 201-260. I do all of my programming with palettes 1-60. I make changes (for whatever reason) to colors 201-260. If I need to update my master color palettes then I select colors 201-260 and MOVE them to 1-60. At this point I press REPLACE when asked. Now I have updated color palettes. The problem is REPLACE is not an option currently.

Here is why I would like this feature and how I would use it:

In the above example 101-160 is always a copy of the colors based on real world parameters and always available for reverting to nominal as it were. Colors 201-260 would be my pre-viz colors as I find that the color representations are only close and always require touch ups, sometimes major touch ups from what the computer thinks a light produces and what a light actually produces. For those who do a lot of outdoor shows in the transition hours, colors 301-360 could be your "daylight" colors. If you are starting in daylight, you start with the more pastel "daylight" palette selection and when it gets dark enough, perform a palette swap. Colors 401-460 could be colors tweaked for cameras.

Assuming one were starting with a personalized generic show file, this would be a huge time saver. Personally, if I never had to make another color palette for a fixture I use on a regular basis, I would be thrilled. But I am constantly going from pre-viz to reality and occasionally back and forth multiple times. I either have to imagine the correct color in pre-viz or perform palettes updates until I cannot see straight.
  • [QUOTE=Tnsquint1;72148] do you have to replace each palette individually?

    Yes, each one is updated individually. Which is why it can take a while to program and edit the keystroke macro, but once it is done it is well worth the effort.

    You can also merge keystroke macros from show to show, so if you have the same palette structure/naming & numbering scheme you won't have to recreate it every time.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • [QUOTE=Tnsquint1;72148] do you have to replace each palette individually?

    Yes, each one is updated individually. Which is why it can take a while to program and edit the keystroke macro, but once it is done it is well worth the effort.

    You can also merge keystroke macros from show to show, so if you have the same palette structure/naming & numbering scheme you won't have to recreate it every time.

    Hope this helps. :)
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