Replacing color palettes

I would really like some way to "batch" replace color palettes in one step. Here is my thought:

Let's assume we start with 60 color palettes and they are laid out in the directory as colors 1-60. I then make duplicates of those color palettes and place them at 101-160. I make another set of duplicates at 201-260. I do all of my programming with palettes 1-60. I make changes (for whatever reason) to colors 201-260. If I need to update my master color palettes then I select colors 201-260 and MOVE them to 1-60. At this point I press REPLACE when asked. Now I have updated color palettes. The problem is REPLACE is not an option currently.

Here is why I would like this feature and how I would use it:

In the above example 101-160 is always a copy of the colors based on real world parameters and always available for reverting to nominal as it were. Colors 201-260 would be my pre-viz colors as I find that the color representations are only close and always require touch ups, sometimes major touch ups from what the computer thinks a light produces and what a light actually produces. For those who do a lot of outdoor shows in the transition hours, colors 301-360 could be your "daylight" colors. If you are starting in daylight, you start with the more pastel "daylight" palette selection and when it gets dark enough, perform a palette swap. Colors 401-460 could be colors tweaked for cameras.

Assuming one were starting with a personalized generic show file, this would be a huge time saver. Personally, if I never had to make another color palette for a fixture I use on a regular basis, I would be thrilled. But I am constantly going from pre-viz to reality and occasionally back and forth multiple times. I either have to imagine the correct color in pre-viz or perform palettes updates until I cannot see straight.
  • Marty,
    I am in show mode today but I did take a least a minute to try some things in a show copy. It appears that the syntax:

    Color 101-160 copy to color 1 replace

    Seems to work. I have a few gaps in my color palette which did confuse things a bit, but otherwise it seemed to work. Filling in the gaps with blank colors will probably solve this. The cue programming seemed to follow the newly replaced palettes. I am out if time to try it any further though.
  • Marty,
    I am in show mode today but I did take a least a minute to try some things in a show copy. It appears that the syntax:

    Color 101-160 copy to color 1 replace

    Seems to work. I have a few gaps in my color palette which did confuse things a bit, but otherwise it seemed to work. Filling in the gaps with blank colors will probably solve this. The cue programming seemed to follow the newly replaced palettes. I am out if time to try it any further though.
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