More use of the Move command


I would like to see the Move command have the same functionality as Copy. At present it is rather limited.

For example, I can move a cue, but only within the same list. I'd like to be able to move a cue from one list to another please.

Far more important to me though is this...

I'd like to be able to apply Fixture and Kind Masks to the Move command, just like with Copy.

For example, I decided I want fixtures 5>10 to fade out in cue 5, rather than cue 4. So...

Cue 4 Fixture 5>10 Intensity Move Cue 5. It would save so much time having to open editors and knock out parameters.

Thoughts on this anyone?
  • Firstly, I should point out, whilst I would LOVE to see this implemented... I think there are more pressing features we all want/need, so i'm not suggesting for a minute this be done top priority.

    Sami, I would say if you're moving something from a cue the value doesn't exist in, then obviously nothing would happen unless the option of State was selected. If State is selected, then I would still expect nothing to happen to the source, as it's only picking it up as a tracked value. This is just the same as with Copy. Unless State is selected, a tracked value will not be copied.

    Track forwards or not could still be used, although personally if I wanted that scenario then I probably wouldn't be using Move in the way i'm suggesting anyway.
  • Firstly, I should point out, whilst I would LOVE to see this implemented... I think there are more pressing features we all want/need, so i'm not suggesting for a minute this be done top priority.

    Sami, I would say if you're moving something from a cue the value doesn't exist in, then obviously nothing would happen unless the option of State was selected. If State is selected, then I would still expect nothing to happen to the source, as it's only picking it up as a tracked value. This is just the same as with Copy. Unless State is selected, a tracked value will not be copied.

    Track forwards or not could still be used, although personally if I wanted that scenario then I probably wouldn't be using Move in the way i'm suggesting anyway.
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