New Keyboard Shortcut <I> for Inset / Set

I found it very hard to find a new touchscreen laptop that was light and that included the key and .

After a bit of research I found, that in Widnows 8.1 on some laptops,

is the Pause/Break key, but found nothing for Insert.
(Also NumLock is removed from most new laptops too without a number pad.)

I'd like to request that the unassigned key be the Insert Key for "Set"
Or perhaps the unassigned key.

Has anyone else run into this?

  • Good idea.
    I was using the On Screen Keyboard in Win 7 on laptops that didn't have a Pause/Break. Clumsy solution, but I only need to press it once at the beginning of every show load (or hopefully soon it'll be integrated in show load so we don't have to do it anymore, hint, hint)

    I hadn't yet run into a laptop missing the Insert key, and that is one of the most frequently used shortcuts for me, so thanks for the heads up. The OSK wouldn't be a good substitute for that
  • Good idea.
    I was using the On Screen Keyboard in Win 7 on laptops that didn't have a Pause/Break. Clumsy solution, but I only need to press it once at the beginning of every show load (or hopefully soon it'll be integrated in show load so we don't have to do it anymore, hint, hint)

    I hadn't yet run into a laptop missing the Insert key, and that is one of the most frequently used shortcuts for me, so thanks for the heads up. The OSK wouldn't be a good substitute for that
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