I really need RDM!!!
  • I second bringing this topic back up. I work in the US film industry and am running into more and more situations where RDM would really be helpful on the console. Instead of having to have multiple apps and devices to adjust settings, modes, and or addresses; RDM from the console to take care of all of those things would be greatly advantageous and in the film industry where lights have to change fixture setting on a dime, it would be game changing.
  • I second bringing this topic back up. I work in the US film industry and am running into more and more situations where RDM would really be helpful on the console. Instead of having to have multiple apps and devices to adjust settings, modes, and or addresses; RDM from the console to take care of all of those things would be greatly advantageous and in the film industry where lights have to change fixture setting on a dime, it would be game changing.
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