New Wing Configurations

I would love to see another Rock Wing or High Density wing / execute wing. The Hog 4 wings do NOT pair well with the H4 console (unless using a full boar) and take up way to much room. You can't really see the screen easily either.

Why can't we just get DMX in functionality ? Even if you were to charge for a license or dongle. People would buy it ... I would rather spend the money on a license than wings that don't meet my needs.
  • DMX or Art-Net in, I wouldn´t mind which one, Artnet might be easier because we would need additional hardware (ok might worth building a widget to pay the development ;-) )
    We have Art-Net in but not for the use of triggering cues or control levels of masters etc... This should be the proper request.
  • DMX or Art-Net in, I wouldn´t mind which one, Artnet might be easier because we would need additional hardware (ok might worth building a widget to pay the development ;-) )
    We have Art-Net in but not for the use of triggering cues or control levels of masters etc... This should be the proper request.
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