Colour Model

In a world of steadily increasing RGBWA fixtures I reckon it's about time to include both W and A in the HSI environment by creating a new colour abstraction layer.
Thanks a lot
  • I'm not going to bring up the usual "desk x or desk y can do this" topic but yeah, I've seen it on other desks........
    Apart from that I really do believe the Hog colour picker has always been inconsistent since the hog3 days.
    CMYs and RGBs cannot be always converted to HSI. Again these 3 models are mutually excluding on other desks i.e. you can get any colour converted from and to any colour environment dot dot dot dot
  • I'm not going to bring up the usual "desk x or desk y can do this" topic but yeah, I've seen it on other desks........
    Apart from that I really do believe the Hog colour picker has always been inconsistent since the hog3 days.
    CMYs and RGBs cannot be always converted to HSI. Again these 3 models are mutually excluding on other desks i.e. you can get any colour converted from and to any colour environment dot dot dot dot
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