Save As

On every other system I've used when I go to save a show there is always a save as so I can rename or retitle my show saves.
Under the Hog system I find this to be confusing and wish there was a 'Save as' Option. can't be that hard to add in as it is usually part of the default file system functionality
  • You just want to rename the current show. Log off of show, then right click and rename.

    The current show file is continuously being saved on the local hard drive. When you save a backup, you are taking a 'snapshot' of the file and essentially saving a zip file. So you can't really save 'newshow' and be working on the new show. You are still working on the the open, existing show file.

    What you want sounds more like, save backup. Exit show. Browse to backup, Launch (expand) backup file.
  • You just want to rename the current show. Log off of show, then right click and rename.

    The current show file is continuously being saved on the local hard drive. When you save a backup, you are taking a 'snapshot' of the file and essentially saving a zip file. So you can't really save 'newshow' and be working on the new show. You are still working on the the open, existing show file.

    What you want sounds more like, save backup. Exit show. Browse to backup, Launch (expand) backup file.
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